Châteauform' Company with a mission

Our reason for being : Châteauform' teams bring their added value to every meeting, inspiring companies to reveal their talents.

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The mission began with a conviction:

Our manifesto :
“Only the company that puts people at the heart of its business, that respects the living and the territories, has the power to transform our world in a sustainable and harmonious way.”


Châteauform' was built, against the current of the established order, motivated by the desire to give meaning to work, to reveal the potential and aspirations of women and men. Driven by a humanist enthusiasm, a deep desire to put people at the heart of the company, for their talents and also for their clients, Châteauform' was inspired by the personal story of a manager, Daniel Abittan, who has done 1000 jobs with a single conviction: the company must serve people rather than use them.

With this new lease of life, vital for the world of work and resolutely oriented towards the future, we have reinforced our raison d'être:

"Chateauform' teams bring their added warmth to every meeting to inspire companies and enable them to reveal their talents.

For this, we commit ourselves to :

Cultivating our Humanist Model

Cultivating our Humanist Model

For fulfilled talents who grow, reveal themselves and embody our model.

Inspire our Clients as much as they inspire us

Inspire our Clients as much as they inspire us

To share our ideas with our customers and partners so that they too put people before profit.

Create meetings that respect people, territories and life

Create meetings that respect people, territories and life

To enhance the historical and natural heritage, to revitalize the links with the territories and to have a positive impact on the environment.

We cultivate our humanist model

Chateauform' makes its decisions based on its talents and its clients. We are human-centered and that's why Châteauform' is a Humanist company.  

Magaly Gaudin - Protector and developer of Human Resources

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1996 : Jacques Horovitz & Daniel Abittan create Châteauform'.

2005 : The company has just under 400 Talents. The values lived since the company's creation are officially formulated.

2012 : Jacques Horovitz publishes L'Entreprise Humaniste.

2021 : The Company is 25 years old, with a rich culture. Formalization of the Châteauform' culture as a basis for the 2000 Talents.

We create ReSpEcting encounters between People, Territories & Living Things

We do not want a CSR policy that frames and constrains, but opt for a ReSpEct Philosophy that inspires, guides and invites initiative. 

Claire Schwartz - Head of Engagement

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2011: Production of the 1st Bilan des Emissions de Gaz à effet de serre - BEGES (scopes 1 and 2) (regulatory greenhouse gas emissions balance)  
2019 : Production of the first materiality matrix. Formalization of our ReSpEct Philosophy. ISO2021 certification obtained.
2020 : Completion of 2nd BEGES (scope 1 and 2).
2021: Implementation of a CSR action plan in each house, piloted by each couple of hosts. Publication of the 1st CSR Report
2022: Chefs trained in vegetal cuisine. First LEAD label - Label Evénement à Ambition Durable. Publication of 2nd CSR Report
2023: Total elimination of plastic bottles in all our homes. 1st LEAD Venues - Châteauform' le Métropolitan. Completion of the 1st Bilan Carbone scope 1, 2, 3 for all Châteauform' activities in France and definition of a Decarbonation Trajectory.
2024: Launch of the Regen' Ronqueux experiment 

Our ReSpEct philosophy for meetings that respect people, territories and life.

We take care of our Talents

We take care of our Talents

By committing ourselves to : - Allowing each person to be themselves, for a collective rich in differences - Cultivating an environment conducive to the well-being and safety of our Talents - Helping our Talents to grow through our learning culture

We take care of our customers

We take care of our customers

By committing to: - Providing experiences that reveal talents and create memories - Hosting our participants in safe and accessible locations - Maintaining transparent and ethical relationships with our clients

We take care of our territories

We take care of our territories

By committing to: - Promote local purchases - Encourage local recruitment and participate in local life - Maintain, bring to life and discover our heritage

We take care of the Living

We take care of the Living

By committing to: - Eco-designing our events in places managed in a virtuous way - Offering a generous and responsible table - Engage and accompany our stakeholders for meetings that respect the living world